Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010


what r u looking for in d'world??

is it money??
is it happyness??
is it fatigue with ur work hard??
is it satifiscation with ur power and ur own??
or may be is it ur suitable, handsome, beautiful, kindness and down to earth husband or wife??

regardless, i'll be tired if my purpose being exist in the world is something like kinda above..
regardless, my soul will empty with that some stuff..
regardless, i'll become the one who collect negative energy for life and it's mean i'll kill my soul-self slowly..

yes,, absolutely,, definitely i'll do best in my way with all ridho from my parents and allah..
just become the person who collect positive energy i could being better person..coz i get some resources for doing some good deed.. i just believe that i could take positive energy with buliding relationship or in other word is silaturami..

with silaturahmi, i could seeing another person with different characteristic..
and i could absorb without eliminate the positive energy from them..
who smile sincerely..
who giving hug whole-heartedlty..
who giving attention to other muslim with same gender honestly and without intention..
who cheer up everytime every when and every condition..

regardless..i luv all of my friend..and i do believe that every work hard will be rewarded :) :)

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

mencerdaskan anak bangsa

my dream and my desire..

as good and profesional teacher (amin..i won't put word wanna be in here..cos i'm already being teacher..even i 'm not get my title yet--->actually in 2 month insya allah i'll get that title..amin :) )

i'll make awesome, gorgeous, and very very fabolous blog for learn chemistry..i want make some usefull thing for people..sooooo, see and wait my action !! :):)

every work hard will be rewarded :):)

wanna scream..

klo kaya gini tu bingung mau ngapa2innya..
bawaannya pengen ke pinggir pantai trus teriak dehhh..

ga mau cerita ma yang lain karena akulah yang bisa mengumpulkan energi kehidupanku kembali....mungkin banyak orang bilang klo cerita ma yang laen perasaan jadi plong..tapi aku lagi ga mau kelihatan lemah di mata orang..aku hanya ingin terlihat lemah di hadapan-Nya..klo aku terlihat lemah di depan manusia pasti akan timbul perasaan ingin di kasihani dan pengennya bergantung ke orang lain..ENGGAK..NO WAY..oleh karena itu aku kan menghilang sementara dari peredaran orbitku saja deh..and take in action all of my problem..

every work hard will be rewarded :):)

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

mbuh lhah..

cuex is d'best..!!!

i borrow that statement from my lovely frend in high school..because i just go ahead..whatever people said..come on..U CAN BREAKING D'LIMIT with ur fully potention to graduate in this semester..aminnnn y allah..

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010


assalamu'alaikum wr.wb..

ada giveaway ne..yang atu dari hijabtrendz..this is d'link :


yang atu dari hijab style deh..


check it out!

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

my last research in S1 degree

alhamdulillah y allah..kau telah memudahkan jalan untuk penelitian ini,,dapet guru2 yang baek2 bet di sekolahan, dapet DP yang baeknya juga setengah hidup mepe di bela2in dtg dr bogor pagi2 buat liat gw maju sps..ooooh nooo,,,cooo cwiiiiiit...

aiiioo sekolahhh!! eh salah maksudnya aiooo peneletian...soal lum buat ne...for all of my friend whose in last research in S1 degree keep fighting!!allah always know the best scenario for us..

my journal has to been changed!!!

assalamu'alaikum..cape euy ngemeng bahasa inggris mulu, mau curhat pake bahas indo ajah deh...ya allah, dah dapet jurnalnya eh kudu ganti jurnal sekaligus pendampingnya..tak apalah pan allah tau yang terbaik buat, i have to finding inorganic journal in subject 'bout complex compound for anticancer...there r nothing hard if i have strong spirit for reach my dream..tadi nemu blog, umurnya sama ma gw..tapi dia dah ke jepaaaangggg...arrrrgh curaaanggg...mauu ikutaaaan..kayanya orangnya pinter beud deh,anak 89 angkatan 2005 di salah satu univ ternama di kota bandung..i may not jealous, because allah always hearing prays from mukmin who never give up for trying..smangaaaaat 45!!!!aja aja fighting..*niru pelm korea mode on..
ow y jurnal lum nemu, masi ga jelas gitu..ibarat lagu kaya yang judulnya gantung..abizan dosennya di tanyain yang ini atau yang itu pak..yang ini bagus, eh tapi yang ini saya juga suka..nah lho, mank bapak jadinya mau beli yang mana??(awawaw,tambah edan ne gw..mank lg dagang di tanah abang apa..)..truz tadi u know what!!!i have translete my task from my lovely lecturer..i consider that it is just mutualism simbiosis (my friend, wulan, who taugh me)..cause i have make difficulties for him, so i have to thanfull for him..arigatoo, thengkyu, gomawoo, matur nuwun, terima kasiiih bapaaakk..and i have finished that translete..mpe mata gw pegel ne di depan lepi gw tercinta..dah gitu mpe panasnya jadi lepi gw kaga ada suaranya..oh noooo, charger dah ga berupa akibat ulah teman aneh gw, skarang suarapun tak ada..suara dengarkanlah akuuuuu???apa kabarnya pujaan hatikuuuu...*husshhussh dah malem mba, anak saya dah tidur!tapi ternyata bin ternyata setelah gw restart, nothing any error again..alhamdulillah..allah masi sayang ma gw,di saat kanker karena duit di gerogotin buat penelitian gt.. *alesan..hehe
yo wes lhah..saiia mau cari jurnal dulu teman!!dari kemaren ketemunya struktur2 yang buat mata gw juling mulu.. ternyata anticancer tuh dari unsur2 yang mahal lho guys..kaya dari emas, platinum, ruthenium, palladanium,ect..wish me luck!!^^v

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010


ya ya ya ya...i have met with my lecturer..and i have deal with my dosen that my journal is "Anxiolytic and Antiseizure Effects of Sida tiagii Bhandri"....i'm gonna translete that journal..and have to find the meaning of difficult term..

wish me luck!!(the sound of that statement like one brand of a drink..yipppie..i'm getting crazy..coz i don't sleepy in this time..hahah)

Joyfull movie!!!

i'm in my last year, i have many freee time..well,,well,,actually, if i though again, it is not..hahaha..i just so lazzy for doing my last project and chemistry seminary(bener ga c tulisannya gini kalo bhs ingnya seminar..ngawur mode ON) i'm watching several of movie, from korean drama until indonesian drama alias sinetron (its so rarely..coz i really don't like sinetron^^v).. and for korean drama, i give choice with title "Smile, You"'s so funny, and the actor & actrees really good..u can watch online in

for west movie...i have 4 title for u :
  1. Up
i though it's right choice if this film box office because its soooo awesome..awawawaw..hehe..
my mind also my soul join to that film..alagh lebay bajay^^

the core points are d'view, d'story, d'caracter reallllllyyyy goood..four thumb up!!

for d'bocoran(hehe..), i'll give u a little bit d'story :

a lonely grandfather found the meaning of him life by funny, ridiculous, katro, gokil little boy..grandfather doesn't have family anymore, he so selfish and want bring him old house to paradise water fall..and do u believe that???!!the old grandfather goes to paradise water fall with all of helium ballon, and who could guess that little boy (yang katro itu..) follow in him trip..its getting crazy here!!!so donwload the movie in here :

i dont know..i'm really likkkee this katro boy..

may be, he remind me with my little brother..

his name is muhammad ridho rabbani..

here it is him picture..

he is sooo cute, is'nt it??!^^v

2. imagine that

the story talking about d'genius sucess father found the helper from imaginary him daughter..

from d'expresion eddie murphy u could get laugh, because he really good comedian^^v

and u could download the film from

the daughter from eddie murphy in this film really pretty and have cute hair..curly black's same with my hair's little sister before she done the sister wiil be wearing veila, so i could'nt upload her picture without veila..but i could give u the picture of eddie murphy's daughter in this it is :

i was so curious... and really want try this experiment..what's happen if i put the hair into hot water??is it will be noodle??hehe..kidding..

3. ice age 3

yeaaahh..u could guess that this film reaalllly funny like the other film before..




u could forget ur problem with watching the weird and freak community in this film.. :D :D

4. Astro boy

i was crying a loud ( means nerembes mili kalo bhs jawanya..termehek-mehek bahasa indonesianya^^v) watching this film..because this film in category touchable..

the scientiest father who lost him son, and try made robot which is copy from him son..

i got this film from my brother, mas bambang, but u could download in

i'm newbie^^

assalamu'alaikum wr wb..

i know that i'm not pretty well in writing bussines..but i just try share with all of u..and i want make so muuuucch, i hope my blog could help u..may be sometime u need reference that u could take from my blog^^v

honestly, i'm prefer watching everything (movie, theater, people speech in front of many people and so on) than reading or writing..but' i'm teacher wanna, as good teacher (aminnnnn^^) i have to learn, learn and learn..learn not just from watching but reading and writing too..coz sometime we could learn from reading that not could taken from watching..

and i want practice my bad skill english in pardon me..if i have soooooo many mistake^^v
