Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010


what r u looking for in d'world??

is it money??
is it happyness??
is it fatigue with ur work hard??
is it satifiscation with ur power and ur own??
or may be is it ur suitable, handsome, beautiful, kindness and down to earth husband or wife??

regardless, i'll be tired if my purpose being exist in the world is something like kinda above..
regardless, my soul will empty with that some stuff..
regardless, i'll become the one who collect negative energy for life and it's mean i'll kill my soul-self slowly..

yes,, absolutely,, definitely i'll do best in my way with all ridho from my parents and allah..
just become the person who collect positive energy i could being better person..coz i get some resources for doing some good deed.. i just believe that i could take positive energy with buliding relationship or in other word is silaturami..

with silaturahmi, i could seeing another person with different characteristic..
and i could absorb without eliminate the positive energy from them..
who smile sincerely..
who giving hug whole-heartedlty..
who giving attention to other muslim with same gender honestly and without intention..
who cheer up everytime every when and every condition..

regardless..i luv all of my friend..and i do believe that every work hard will be rewarded :) :)

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

mencerdaskan anak bangsa

my dream and my desire..

as good and profesional teacher (amin..i won't put word wanna be in here..cos i'm already being teacher..even i 'm not get my title yet--->actually in 2 month insya allah i'll get that title..amin :) )

i'll make awesome, gorgeous, and very very fabolous blog for learn chemistry..i want make some usefull thing for people..sooooo, see and wait my action !! :):)

every work hard will be rewarded :):)

wanna scream..

klo kaya gini tu bingung mau ngapa2innya..
bawaannya pengen ke pinggir pantai trus teriak dehhh..

ga mau cerita ma yang lain karena akulah yang bisa mengumpulkan energi kehidupanku kembali....mungkin banyak orang bilang klo cerita ma yang laen perasaan jadi plong..tapi aku lagi ga mau kelihatan lemah di mata orang..aku hanya ingin terlihat lemah di hadapan-Nya..klo aku terlihat lemah di depan manusia pasti akan timbul perasaan ingin di kasihani dan pengennya bergantung ke orang lain..ENGGAK..NO WAY..oleh karena itu aku kan menghilang sementara dari peredaran orbitku saja deh..and take in action all of my problem..

every work hard will be rewarded :):)